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World Leaders Unite in Surreal Show of Support for Kejriwal

New Delhi — In an unprecedented turn of events, eighteen notorious alcohol smugglers from Bihar have surrendered themselves to the authorities, citing their unwavering solidarity with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's prohibition policies. The smugglers, who had been thriving on the clandestine trade of cheap alcohol from Delhi to Bihar, shocked the nation by voluntarily turning themselves in.

Bihar, a state where alcohol is strictly banned, has long struggled with illicit liquor trade. The recent surge in smuggling activities prompted the Bihar government to take drastic measures, but it was Kejriwal's no-nonsense approach that caught the attention of these enterprising bootleggers.

One of the smugglers, who requested anonymity, revealed, "Kejriwal is our hero! His commitment to keeping Delhi dry inspired us. We realized that our actions were undermining his efforts, so we decided to surrender and join the cause."

Upon hearing the news, Kejriwal tweeted, "Humbled by the smugglers' sacrifice! Together, we shall create a 'dry corridor' across states. Let's raise our glasses—of water—to a sober future!"

Leaders from around the world expressed their admiration for Kejriwal's influence. French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted, "Vive la sobriété! Kejriwal's policies are intoxicatingly effective."

Even North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sent a congratulatory message: "Dear Kejriwal, your prohibition prowess is truly nuclear!"

The smugglers, dressed in black-and-white striped shirts, marched to the police station, waving white flags adorned with water droplets. They handed over their empty liquor bottles as a symbolic gesture of repentance. The police commissioner, visibly puzzled, accepted the surrender and quipped, "I guess we'll need a new wing in the jail for these guys."

As news of the smugglers' surrender spread, Bihar's youth began organizing "Dry Rallies" in support of Kejriwal. They carried banners that read, "Say No to Booze, Yes to Kejri's Clues!" and danced to Bollywood songs with modified lyrics: "Daroo se dosti, Kejri se prem" (Friendship with alcohol, love for Kejri).

In a world where politicians often face criticism, Kejriwal's policies have turned unlikely allies out of alcohol smugglers. As the smugglers settle into their new lives of sobriety, they've vowed to become ambassadors for Kejriwal's cause. Meanwhile, Kejriwal himself has promised to send them personalized thank-you notes—printed on recycled paper, of course.


1. [The Fauxy](https://thefauxy.com/18-alcohol-smugglers-in-bihar-surrender-in-solidarity-with-kejriwal/)

2. [ThePrint](https://theprint.in/feature/red-eyed-lost-young-men-in-bihars-seemanchal-show-how-nitish-kumars-alcohol-ban-backfired/891957/)

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