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Bangalore's "Thar-zan" Tamed by Traffic Police

Bangalore, Karnataka - June 14, 2024: In a scene straight out of an action movie (or perhaps a particularly chaotic Bollywood flick), Bangalore traff…

Smith Seeks Laughs with Upcoming Spaghetti Western

Will Smith is diving headfirst into comedic territory with his upcoming project, "Bad Boys:Eating Spaghetti for Eva. " The film, a satirica…

World Leaders Unite in Surreal Show of Support for Kejriwal

New Delhi — In an unprecedented turn of events, eighteen notorious alcohol smugglers from Bihar have surrendered themselves to the authorities, citin…

The Internet Obsesses Over AI Hype, Hyping the Hype Itself

The internet, a breeding ground for trends and topics both trivial and transformative, has found itself fixated on a peculiar phenomenon:the hype sur…

Murugun Blazes a Trail as Rameshwaram Cafe Seeks to Rekindle Culinary Flame

Rameshwaram Cafe, a Bengaluru institution renowned for its filter coffee and buttery masala dosa (the kind that could make your heart question its ve…

Mumbai Man Blames AI Content, Champions Human-Written Content for Smooth "Sundas" Sessions

In a development that would leave even the most advanced AI speechless, 42-year-old Gaithonde Talpade, a Mumbai-based accounts manager, has launched …

The Mourning Context: From App to App-ocalypse

Byju's is the name synonymous with childhood wonder, frantic parental WhatsApp groups, and the constant, nagging fear of falling behind in the ne…